Homosexual practice is a menace in the society nowadays. In some places of the world it is legalized too; in those places they have done the greatest disruption to the basis of their societal life. The homosexuality is not a natural practice and God the perpetual novelty has not created you and me for that purpose. He made us as man and women so as to love and enjoy sexual life through family relationship. But, this is a contradiction in homosexual practice; they cannot form real families, they don’t have values of a societal life and they are not natural by any means. Homosexuality is not a disease, nor a genetic character, doesn’t emerge out of hormonal outbreak but a habit that ruins the life of a practitioner. The homosexual partners usually addict to it and they feel like dying when stopped from their practice; moreover it is a sin that kills the eternity as well as the life of a human being. I hope the readers of this post who have this practice should start trying to stop it, as a greatest pleasure of life and family are waiting for them.
Here are some of the harmful effects of homosexual relationships among Gays and Lesbians.
1. Homosexual is unnatural, you are violating the rules of the nature.
2. Scientific studies are stating that the homosexuals used to have lesser lifespan than normal human beings.
3. Childhood molestation happens a lot due to homosexuals in the work places.
4. Many school children are abused by their teachers and other staffs of the school for having homosexual relationships
5. Pedophiles are getting increased due to homosexual practice.
6. Homosexuals usually practice dangerous habits like using drugs, drinking illicit liquor and many more. They are usually an addict to drugs, liquor and cigars.
7. The usage of common needle among homosexuals is more pronounced as they keep more intimacy; whereas the former cause many deadly diseases among them.
8. It is not a good habit to be practiced or to be followed and always not a biological form to be discussed like a transex. It is practiced with more disastrous effect than any other in the society.
9. Homosexual practice not only harms themselves but also the society as they cause deadly diseases and immoral attitudes among young people.
10. The homosexuals practice violence more than that of heterosexuals. It is common among lesbians of younger age. Homosexuality is also a reason for the spread of pain sex and BDSM.
11. The central dogma of a society is its family; the concept of family relationship shatters when homosexuality is practiced. You may legally accept it (In Netherlands and some parts of America it is legal) but in those places you can see divorce cases and family disruption to a large extent.
12. Homosexuality leads to promiscuity; they used to practice sex with different partners. They need it as the family concept and control over sex is not stressed in the homosexual relationships.
13. Worse sex practices are common among homosexuals. Some of them include anal sex among gays and anal oral sex among lesbians is more common than heterosexuals. This may lead to dangerous diseases among themselves.
14. Lesbians and Gays usually have more mental illness than common people have. They are with different stresses and they use this as a solution to all their problems but it ends up with one more problem being added to them day by day.
15. Gays usually get more physical illness and will cause general weakness due to frequent loss of sperm.
16. Lesbians too get more physical illness due to their unhealthy practices.
17. AIDS, a deadly disease that makes the world unhappy was first identified among homosexuals. It is more prevalently spreading among homosexuals than among the normal human beings.
18. Hepatitis used to spread among gays and lesbians usually. The crucial part of this story is Hepatitis B is a deadly disease and people with risk will be fatal soon.
19. Bacterial vaginosis are common among lesbians; they spread more vaginal diseases among themselves.
20. Homosexuals hold more suicidal percentage than heterosexuals. They used to get depressed very soon and take worse decisions because of their mental unfit and general mental weakness. This may also because of their negligence in the society; when their practice is evident to other in the society they used to behave mad and usually they lose their temperament very soon.
21. Sexually transmitted diseases are more common among gays and lesbians. Some of them are syphilis, Gonorrhea (VD) and AIDS.
22. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) a deadly virus that causes cancer among humans, spread extensively through homosexuals.
23. Gay Bowel syndrome and anal cancer a rare cancer is common among homosexuals. Also in lesbians these are spreading at a great rate, because they feed their anal opening with beer bottles and dildo which in continuing will cause bowel cancer.
24. Homosexuals are always at the risk of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) which in turn will also lead to HIV infection more commonly if continued in practice with more partners.
25. Young homosexuals are at more risk because of their arrogant sexual practice and intrusion of new techniques for more pleasure.
26. Usage of condoms during homosexual practice among Homosexuals is less than heterosexuals; where the former protects from much sexual transmission of diseases.
27. Gang sex is common among homosexuals; it is a greatest disruption in the society, the family concept of life dictated from the initiation of the earth is getting shattered because of this practice. Gang sex creates more problem than having single homosexual partner.
28. Homosexuals used to see pornography before and while indulging in sex. This would create more fantasy for them, in fact ruins their mind soul and life.
29. Fetish behaviors are worse among homosexuals because they need to be new to their partners as it is already unnatural. This would create more violence and uncomfort to the one being suppressed.
30. Homosexuals use sex for harassment than the heterosexuals. Many nowadays blackmail officers of higher post and higher authorities with homosexual practice as a tool.
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